Adventures with EarthCare


Sad Endings and Exciting Beginnings - 13th of December 2009

Well as our time here on Oxford Base is comming to a finish the Nations are waiting to have our footprints upon them. We are leaving our YWAM family from the Backpackers and Father's Heart schools as they depart to be Disciples as well. There was a Love Feast in which our EarthCare Team got commisioned out and covered in blessings and prayers. What lies ahead in Bali and Cambodia we are not sure but God certainly does.
We will be on our flight at 6am to Bali, Indonesia on December 14th, 2009 and spending time training in practical things like building water pumps, eating tropical fruit, perhaps some swimming, celebrating Christmas, putting on a Christmas skit of somesort and enjoying spending time together.
On January the 3rd we set off to Cambodia to truly begin our ministry work for the next 2 months. The 2 main places we will be are Battambong and Ratanakiri. Our plans are really up to the Lord at this point. Laura and Seang have taken the roles of Outreach Leaders.
Anticipation, excitment, joy, peace and love are filling our hearts as we are accepting that this is the call God has given us.

 The verse God gave us is      ".. for the joy of the LORD is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10
The Island of Bali